
Inspirational Woman of the year award

Monday, 26 March 2018

I don't care!

Radio interview again, same shit different day! 

"Is it going to be a healing process for survivors in Ireland when  the pope comes to  visit them"?


"Isn't he trying to make changes in the church?" 


"What changes would YOU like to see?"

Do  you know what? I don't  care! 

I am sick of being asked "don't  I think the pope is now listening to survivors?"" isn't he ashamed of the church's past?", "isn't he a breath of fresh air?"

Is he f...k! No No No!

He is as narcissistic as the last one, and the one before that and the one before that. He is the smily PR face of a corrupt and abusive regime.

And do you know what-  I don't care!!
If catholic parents are stupid enough, after everything that has been spotlighted,  to allow their children to be anywhere near these creeps then it is not my job to try and persuade them! They do not listen! They are so obsessed with this ridiculous man and his entourage, with fear of hell and damnation, and like all brainwashed people they haven't a clue that they are under their corrupt influence.

I care ONLY about the victims and survivors of these perverts, I really couldn't care less about the future of the church, unless it is to cheer when it is taken down brick by brick! 

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