
Inspirational Woman of the year award

Friday, 19 March 2021

Imagine the power!


    When I first went into "recovery" several hundred years ago, I was taken to an AA convention down on the South coast at  Selsea . I remember sitting in the ballroom, seeing this endless sea of faces. Someone said, "Imagine if all this lot went back on the piss together, Selsea would be wiped off the face of the earth"!  We all laughed, because we knew the truth of it, and what that image would look like! and in recovery, despite the seriousness of that thought, we had learned to laugh at ourselves! 

Today I was thinking of that time when someone asked "What my new book was about"? And I thought, "Imagine if all this lot, everyone with this exceptional wiring, could get into recovery, and on to restoration to reach there true and brilliant potential, what THAT would do to the face of the earth! What a lot of untapped potential and power! 

Empowerment begins when we see that we are not "hopeless" we are not broken or sick, mad or bad, we don't have an "illness" or a moral or intellectual weakness, we are simply wired in a different way. Left to its own devices that wiring can be unimaginably destructive, but if we can recognise it, and transform it, it can be unbelievably powerful.

That is what it is about!   

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